Several things.

From eating meals for fuel, filled with pleasure and quality ingredients, to taking care of our mind, and gut to detox pathways. All of the above fuels insulin sensitivity and hormone balance.

Last month I presented to my monthly membership strong information, education and action steps to take daily to help support your liver, blood sugars and overall health in this talk on Detox.



Video/Presentation Notes:
Meeting Kickoff and Introductions (03:19 – 04:44)
Vegetable and Fiber Intake (05:04 – 07:20)

Discussion on increasing vegetable intake and fiber.

Kelly shares tips on incorporating vegetables into meals.

Participants share their experiences and challenges with vegetable intake.


Detox and Toxins (07:41 – 11:43)

Kelly discusses the importance of detoxing and the impact of toxins.

Explanation of how toxins affect the body and the importance of supporting detox pathways.

Kelly shares personal experiences and genetic predispositions related to detoxing.


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) (11:43 – 14:25)

Discussion on the prevalence of GMOs in food and their impact on health.

Kelly shares tips on choosing organic foods to avoid GMOs.

Participants discuss their awareness and practices regarding GMOs.


Liver Health and Detoxification (14:25 – 19:07)

Kelly explains the role of the liver in detoxification and overall health.

Discussion on supporting liver health through diet and lifestyle changes.

Participants ask questions about liver health and detox strategies.


Insulin Resistance and Hormone Therapy (19:07 – 26:37)

Discussion on insulin resistance and its management, especially in type one diabetes.

Kelly shares personal experiences with hormone therapy and its impact on insulin sensitivity.

Participants ask questions about managing insulin resistance and hormone therapy.


Detox Practices and Self-Care (26:37 – 42:01)

Kelly shares various detox practices such as dry skin brushing, oil pulling, and sauna use.

Discussion on the importance of hydration, sleep, and stress management in detoxification.

Participants share their experiences and ask questions about detox practices.


Diet and Fiber Intake (43:21 – 46:03)

Kelly discusses the importance of a high-fiber diet and shares a fiber cheat sheet.

Participants share their favorite high-fiber foods and recipes.

Discussion on the benefits of sweating and exercise for detoxification.


Functional Labs and Health Markers (50:40 – 54:33)

Kelly explains various health markers and their significance in detoxification and overall health.

Discussion on the importance of regular lab tests and understanding lab results.

Participants ask questions about their lab results and health markers.


Q&A and Meeting Wrap-Up (54:33 – 57:48)

Participants ask final questions about detox practices, diet, and health markers.

Kelly provides detailed answers and additional tips.