Are you feeling overwhelmed on your health journey? Same my friend, same!

But it doesn’t take tedious tracking or strict rules.

  1. Start small,
  2. pick a realistic health goal,
  3. and build from there.
A healthy body starts with a healthy gut. 

Saying this again bc it’s that important: a healthy body starts with a healthy gut.

Your gut is your body’s engine for energy, metabolism, hormone balance, mood regulation, blood sugar control, insulin resistance, and more.

Reflect and check

Do you have a daily bowel movement? Or is it just a few times a week? we need it daily!

Are you eating mostly real foods or protein bars? Do a quick tally of what you consume and practice 80/20 of real foods. If that’s not realistic, aim for 70/30. Honor where you are and where you can go.

Do you drink half your weight in water? Yes, more fast math. Course correct where needed.

Need accountability? Set-up a call with me this week. [email protected]

There is no time like the present, and now is the perfect time to live your best life.